Monday, September 27, 2004

Perhaps A Plethora of Parentheticals

I thought that I didn't have anything interesting to write about this last weekend, but looking back, I think "what rock were you hiding under?" (to myself--I had no answer) cause I actually had a good weekend and learned all kinds of new things like:

#1) The most deadly ride at Disneyland is the People Mover, and that if you try to take them to court, you have a 4% chance of winning. You can learn these things and more in Mouse Tales: A Behind the Ears Look at Disneyland which I read Friday at my friend's house while babysitting her son. There's a sequel, too, for those of you who just can't get enough dirt on The Mouse. I've felt kinda jaded since reading it, though, so those of you with good memories of Disneyland from childhood beware.

#2) If you eat at McDonald's non-stop for a month, your doctor will think you are crazy and you will put yourself in serious risk of liver failure, kidney stones, and other unexplicable side effects. I have been suspicious for the last few years that McDonald's might be the worst food ever (not yet having tried haggis) and now I'm pretty much sworn off of it for good. Not even a McFlurry for me. (I'll delude myself and go to Foster's Freeze or DQ). For those of you who wish to also say goodbye for good to the Golden Arches, check out the movie documentary Super Size Me. It will probably also make you think twice about eating at any establishment with a Drive Thru (spelling counts). I enjoyed the film, much to my surprise.

#3) If you are having an allergy attack, and you only have drowsy-causing allergy pills, you can stay awake and be the (non-sniffly) life of the party by taking your pills with two Cokes.

#4) You should not put off till Monday what you can do on Friday when the bank is still open cause you just might get called in to work on Monday and not get to go to the bank except on your lunchbreak which will force you to eat in the car on the way and get back just in time to get back to work, cause you just HAVE to have your bank twenty minutes away and not have checking with your account, don't you? Is that extra 2% interest REALLY worth it? IS it?
#5) Eventually, work will stop putting you off and call you in for real. And if you give it a chance, you just might discover that working isn't so bad and that there are some really great people at your office (or studio)--even new bosses--that make being there 8 hrs (minus one driving to the bank and back) a pretty good experience.
#6) Eventually, the kids you teach sunday school to will grow up and you won't be able to teach them anymore. You will feel sad to say goodbye, but happy that they still come up to you after church and give you a hug and want to tell you about the funny thing they saw on TV or show you some pictures they drew. And you will remain cool to them as long as you make an effort to show you care.

#7) Every day is a blog-worthy day. Don't save it all for a clever catch up list.


Blogger David Cho said...

4% chance of winning if you sue them?

Well, I'd say keep suing them, so eventually by the time I get around to sue them, I get to be part of that 4%. It's called probability. So if people keep suing and fill up the 96% part, then I sue and I win. Make sense?

I love your list. Thanks.

9/28/2004 1:29 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I am not schooled in Logic, so I'm not sure about the certainty of Dave's comment.

But I do know that I like reading your blog. :) I don't like McDonalds (for sheer reason of not being able to find anything that tastes tasty to me), but I am a fan of their McFlurry. On the ride out to NJ, Dad and I stopped at a Sonic and their version of the McFlurry (I forget the name now) is not very good. In general, I really like McDonald's ice cream cones.

As a side note (as all of my comments have been so far, I guess), one of the VPs from my old work calls McDonalds "our national landmark," which I still think is hilarious. :)

9/28/2004 11:08 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Sorry I keep on missing you on IMs. :( I was at a mission meeting tonight when you IMed me.

You have HTML questions? Do you want to try to call me? Or do you want to try to talk about it over email or IM? Let me know, and I'll help you out. Also, if you don't particularly want to learn but just want links added or whatever, you can send me a .txt of your template and tell me what you want added. Just some ideas. :)

9/28/2004 7:31 PM  
Blogger David Cho said...

Sorry I made no sense about Dismoland, the Tragic Kingdom. I read my comment again and it is indeed convoluted and that you couldn't understand reflects well on your intelligence. If you understood, I'd be worried about you.

I too enjoy your blog :). Looks like we signed on around the same time. Have you heard of this McDonald's that closed down, but had to reopen after residents carried out protest marches? That happened years ago in Downey. The residents protested because the store was the first McDonald in the world and they wanted to keep it open as a historic monument.

9/28/2004 9:56 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I'm glad you like my blog. I'm also glad that you said your comment (the 4% bit) didn't make sense to you cause I just thought I was too unmathematical to get it.
I didn't hear about that McD's before. I think the situation's kinda sad and kinda funny. Are fast food memorials what this century in America will be remembered by? I guess in one way that would be fitting.

9/29/2004 12:18 AM  

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