Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Another thought on Providence

I was talking to Jenny Smith yesterday about my previous post (the one thing needful), and she brought up a good point, which she also mentioned in her comment on said post--if God is a generous God, why would He be reluctant to give to those in need? I do think God is giving and gracious, and has a heart for the poor and needy. Why then do people starve in the world? I can't answer that and won't try. In my very long rambling post before, I think I did try to answer that question and I am perhaps not prepared to do so.

Very often I think we miss what God is doing and how He's provided because we were not looking for it. We are accustomed in this country to having not only our basic needs met, but with variety and high quality. We don't often ask Him to provide because there is no apparent lack. We not only have clothes, we have several outfits. We not only have food, we have many styles and varieties. Most of the time when I say there is "nothing to eat" or "nothing to wear" in my house, what I am really saying is that there is nothing I WANT to eat or wear. But in reality God has provided something to fill my stomach and cover my body. He never promised to always give us things that suited out tastes, only fill our needs. Not that He doesn't also at times lavish wonderful things on us, but I can't help but realize that the best meals I have ever eaten were the ones with real thankfulness in my heart, like the vegetarian bologna sandwich I was given by a stranger on the bus ride out of Denali National Park. I was SO hungry, we were out of food, and there was a long bus ride ahead. That sandwich, which I normally would have turned my nose up at, was a cause for tearful thanks and rejoicing in me, because it was a direct answer to my prayers and a clear sign of His providence to me at that time.


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