Monday, February 05, 2007

Today's top 5

The top 5 things on my mind today (in no particular order)...

# 1 Should I get my hair cut? Most people would say yes, since it has been probably 8 months and it is long with dead ends. But, the fact is, this cut has grown out very nicely. Do I risk getting it cut and taking a style step backwards, albeit without split ends? Also, I have been thinking about vanity and wondering if expensive haircuts are a vanity (and I am not talking about Supercuts--I want to go to my hairdresser and maybe even get highlights). This is funny to me, that I'm thinking about that, because it is probably vain to wonder if one is vain. ANYways, the only justification I have come up with for the all-out haircut (and I think its a pretty good one) is that I am working again, and will be meeting my new employer soon, and I want to put a professional face on.

#2 When to go see my sister. She is living about an hour away now and I really want to spend some time with her, but I'm afraid she will be too busy. We've never been very close, though we're trying more these days. Especially since we are planning a 30th wedding anniversary party for my parents. I guess the reason I am hesitant about actually trying to make concrete plans with her is that I'm just used to not being part of her life in any major way, and maybe I feel like it will never change. Well, I will wait to see how things go, because I can't make plans until I know...

#3 When my new iMac is going to be delivered. Yes, I have joined the leagues of Mac owners. I have even acquired an iPod which someone left in Kurt's classroom a year ago and never claimed. So, old though it is, it is still an iPod and I am happy to have something more convenient than a discman for taking to the zoo with me.

#4 If the package I just dropped off at the post office will actually make it to Princeton by 6pm on Wednesday, as promised.

#5 How to find time to watch Chronicles of Narnia...I'm in the mood to relax and do something fun like that, but I need to clean the kitchen at least, and would also like to spend some time with the Lord too. I guess mainly I just want some peace because I feel like I'm all over the map mentally and emotionally today for some reason. Kind of weird but it might have to do with the change in weather. Its warmer, and last week when it was cold and drizzly for a couple of days I was so depressed. So I guess now I just want to go and do something or everything as the upswing, but at the same time I want to do nothing because lately I am realizing more and more that there is seriously nothing on earth that satisfies what I'm really wanting and needing. I find no meaning in fulfilling desires or wants or even human needs. My spirit wants something deeper and more lasting. I guess I just want God Himself. So maybe I don't want to find time to watch a movie, maybe I really want to find time to be with the Lord. And I don't see how housechores could take precedence over that.

Yea! Guess sometimes you can get what you want...


Blogger Jenny said...

As you have already gathered, your package did make it on time. Before time, even, as I picked it up around 1:30-ish. I am impressed with its great timing!

I think you should get a haircut. For no other reason other than it is nice to get haircuts sometimes, especially when wanting to change our look.

2/08/2007 1:56 PM  

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