Wednesday, October 27, 2004

What a Difference a Kurt Makes

I wonder how long it takes to get added to Jenny's "Strong Silent Types" list...

Sorry for not writing sooner. It hasn't been for lack of things to write, but more for lack of time. Work has been a whirlwind, and I am SO tired. Even though, thankfully, today has been slow, I am already ready to be done and it's only lunch time. *sigh* All in all, I still like it here, though. It always comes back to the people. I think coworkers make a huge difference in the "bearability factor" at work, and I really enjoy the people I work with/for.

It also helps to have someone wonderful to come home to. Yesterday was a particulalrly (I can't say that word or spell it) long and frustrating day due to technical difficulties with the computers and connected hardware. By 6, I was just looking forward to getting home when Kurt called and reminded me that I needed to go to Costco and get a new car battery for the Camry. How I managed to forget that his car had died and that I had been driving him around the last 24 hours, I don't know. But I was utterly disheartened to realize that I now had to find parking at Costco, walk through the considerable parkinglot to the warehouse through wind and rain (with no umbrella), and then FIND the right size/model battery somewhere inside. It took me 40 minutes and about 5 separate looks at the "handy" battery guide to determine that they did not have the one I needed. I was about to give up, but called Dad and found out to my joyful wonderment that having 550 cold cranking amps is actually BETTER than 350, and that no, putting a 550 c.c.a. battery in an engine listed as needing a 350 c.c.a. was not the same thing as putting a 100 watt bulb in a 60 watt fixture. So they actually DID have the one I needed AND its was good battery. I lugged (and alternately kicked) that ridiculously heavy object to the checkout line, and with some friendly costco brand help, managed to pay for it and get it to my car. By the time I got home, I was BEAT. But when I walked inside, there was a handsome face smiling at me. "Is it cold out there?" he asks with a smile. And hands me a cup of cocoa. And there behind him, dinner is on the stove, almost done.

Yesterday was a pretty good day...


Blogger Jenny said...

It takes enough time for me to notice that you haven't posted in awhile, in addition to me getting around to changing my template (I'm kinda lazy).

So glad to hear that returning home to Kurt was a joy. :)

10/27/2004 5:30 PM  
Blogger David Cho said...

I had forgotten how heavey car batteries are. Today I had to change out the headlight which required the dislodging of the battery.

Nice blog about Kurt.

10/29/2004 6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your boat inn tug blog is great thanks

9/19/2005 4:23 PM  

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