Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Week in Review

I'm really excited about life right now. Partly due to the fact that the coffee this morning was so strong it ate like a meal and I'll probably be buzzing till the next cup tomorrow, but also because I am doing something I truly love--writing.

I have undertaken to write and illustrate my first children's book, and I am enjoying the work VERY much. I feel like the more I write, the more I want to. I enjoy the challenge of communicating ideas in simple, clear language (it's harder than one might think--as Mark Twain said "If I'd had more time, I'd have written a shorter letter") and I can't wait till I am satisfied with the story and begin to illustrate. Although I am not sure if I'm any good or if it will ever get published, I am invigorated by the process none the less. Could this be what I was born to do? Perhaps it is one of the things, though I am sure there are cosmically more significant "callings". But then, isn't anything done as unto the Lord of eternal worth? I just hope it blesses people--whether published or read only by friends and family. So I guess that is why I have neglected to blog. Every spare moment I've had I've been either catching up on lost sleep or writing. Sorry :(

Work has been a beast up till today. I worked till 11pm Monday night trying to make a deadline (I did succeed). Today the deadline for everyone involved was up and it was a very laid back day. My bosses were gone half the day in meetings with the client, and I had nothing to do, so I worked on my book. It was great. And tomorrow looks to be pretty easy. I'll have work again, but it shouldn't be as insane as the beginning of the week was.

I've also been helping Kurt prepare his first photography exhibition. I'm really excited for him! He has some really fantastic photos, and it will be great to finally show them to people other than our family and close friends (those we can convince to watch a slide show purely out of familial love. Incidentally, why is there such a stigma on slide shows? People shudder at the mention of the word and suddenly have "some place to be" or its suddenly "getting late".) Anyway, its in about a week and we have a lot of slides to get printed and then prints to matte and frame. I can't wait to be there and overhear any good comments I can relay back to Kurt. I really hope that this experience is encouraging to him.

In other news, my allergies have been acting up a great deal, and I might be acquiring a Sharper Image ionic air purifier. I am SO excited. Nearly every morning I wake up with an itchy runny nose that won't quit till I leave home. I know it is partly my cat, but I wont part with her. I'm very hopeful that this purifier will help us to coexist more comfortably. I've heard great things about it, andI think I am beginning to pin my hopes for a happy healthy future on getting one. Its almost ridiculous how excited I am to get this thing. I might have to be committed if it turns out to be a disappointment. Im almost serious.


Blogger David Cho said...

Wow, you are set to be a published author? I am sure it will be a great book. You are a good writer. Will it have a Christian theme?

Jenn "CS Lewis" Klein. Yeay! :)

11/06/2004 8:31 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I can totally picture you as a children's storybook author and illustrator. Keep working on it--I'm sure it'll be great!!

Also, when & where is Kurt's photography exhibition? How did this happen?

11/08/2004 1:26 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

David, yes--it does have a Christian theme. Its a parable about sharing the gospel with others. I doubt I will ever approach the level of writing Lewis achieved, but thanks for the encouragement.
Jenny, Kurt's exhibition is this coming weekend. The pastor's wife has a non-profit to support the arts in the area, and she set this up to showcase "local" artists. It will be at the church, so its not very fancy, but it is his first public show and we're excited.

11/10/2004 6:59 PM  

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